Health Benefits

of Chitraka

Improve digestion

Improves appetite and digestion; useful in anorexia.


Best medicine for non-bleeding piles.

Removes instestials worms
Removes intestinal worms and boosts digestive fire.

Ayurvedic Properties


Rasa (Taste): Tikta (bitter), Katu (pungent)

Guna (Qualities): Laghu (light), Ruksha (dry)

Virya (Potency): Shita (cold)

Vipaka (Post-digestion): Katu (pungent)

Pitta-vatashamak (alleviate Pitta and Vatta Dosha)

Ayurvedic Properties for chitrakmool


Morphology of chitrakmool
  1. A shrub with slender branches and sticky white tubular flowers.
  2. Leaves are oval and papery, fruits are capsules with sticky glands.
  3. Seeds are dark brown or black.

  • Latin Name: Plumbago zeylanica
  • Botanical Name: Plumbago zeylanica
  • Family: Plumbaginaceae
  • Common Name: Chitrak, Chitrakmool
  • English Name: Leadwort
  • Part Used: Root



Digestive Health

Digestive Health

Helps with flatulence, indigestion, and diarrhea.

Support For Respiratory Function

Support For Respiratory Function

helpful in case of inflammatory conditions, bronchitis and cough.

Skin Disorders

Skin Disorders

It cures ringworm, scabies, leucoderma and leprosy.
Additional Advantages

Additional Advantages

focuses on vata-kapha vitiations, piles, and urinary stones.



Digestive Issues

Digestive Issues:

To treat diarrhoea and lack of appetite due to gastrointestinal disorders, 1-2 g of Chitraka powder with 5 grammes of Mustaka powder can be used.
Joint Disorders

Joint Disorders:

Massage oil made with Chitraka for relief from Sandhivata and Amavata.
Urinary Stones

Urinary Stones:

Consume 5–10ml Chitraka decoction daily.

Research & Clinical


Anti-H. Pylori Activity

Anti-H. Pylori Activity

Proven to inhibit Helicobacter pylori effectively.

Cancer Research

Cancer Research

Contains plumbagin, which can inhibit cell proliferation in leukemia.